
The Bible’s book of Acts describes one of the first acts of the newly formed church as coming together for fellowship.  At Gregory we seek to find many opportunities to follow in that early example.


Fellowship Luncheon

Throughout the year the Congregational Care Committee coordinates church-wide luncheons and dinners, often to raise funds for the youth Workcamp or to celebrate the joining of new members.  There are also groups within the church who design fellowship opportunities for special needs or interests.


All women of the church are automatically members of the “PW.”  The PW offers a few large meetings each year (organizational meetings and a “biblical retreat), but is perhaps most known for its Day and Evening “Circles” which offer Bible study, fellowship, prayer and usually some good food.  The Day Circle meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 12:30 pm.  The Evening Circle meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm.


In addition to providing hospitality, the Congregational Care Committee, along with the pastor, helps to coordinate care to those members who are ill, in the hospital or who have suffered a loss.  They head up a church-wide prayer chain that can be notified for prayer when there’s an emergency.  Please let them know if there is a need.